Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How to do a stained wood painting.....

Finally here comes the step by step procedure on how to do a stained wood painting.
The technique is named stained wood because it is done on a wooden panel with stained glass colors.I have done my first piece in India and it took me a while to figure out the materials here in US.The painting is  actually done using Resin, so I was looking for some kind of resin that is not very toxic and easy to work with.The following is the list of materials needed

  • M seal (this is some thing I got from India and did not know how to replace it,this is used to block the colors from flowing into each other,in glass painting this is done by lead strips.A good quality of air dry clay, some thing that does not crack after it dries might be a good replacement,lead strips can also be used but i'am not sure if they stick on wood.
  • Primed wooden panel,if you are using a wooden panel which is not primed, paint it with a coat of white emulsion paint which is easily available Homedepot.
  • Tacky glue
  • White acrylic paint
  • Pebeo Gedeo resin
  • Resin dyes
  • Crafts popsicle sticks
  • Disposable plastic containers
  • Eye droppers

Transfer the design on to the wooden panel and roll m seal or clay into thin coils and stick the coils on the transferred design using tacky glue,make sure not to leave any openings as the color flows into each other and each part of the design should be completely sealed with out any gaps near the coil joints.At the edges try to end the coil exactly along the surface of the wooden panel,if you cut the coil short the color bleeds into another and if you leave it a little long the color flows along the coil and drips off,believe me it is easy than it sounds.

Once the M-seal or clay dries paint the lines with white acrylic paint.

Once the paint is dry you can start filling the colors using the resins.I used both the colored resin and the crystal resin along with dyes to get the colors that I desired.You can add dye to the colored resin to make the colors more intense.I used eye droppers to fill the colors in each part.Working with resin can be a little messy as it is very sticky ,this is the reason I could not take any pictures while mixing the dyes and resin, but here is a link to the video that shows hot to mix the resin
Mixing colored resin
Adding dye to resin

Mix the resin thoroughly and let it sit for 2-5 minutes before applying, so the painting dries really hard and does not bleed on hanging on the wall for a longer time.

Make sure to cover the work surface with paper as the surface becomes totally useless if  you accidentally drop some resin on it or if the resin drips from the wooden panel, it is a messy processes but the results look amazing.


  1. WOW cant believe you drew it with Mseal...sheer talent...I bow to you !!!

    1. Making coils with M seal is not as difficult as it sounds, just make sure the coils are evenly thick and the joints are completely sealed......

    2. You can use gum poweder, fevicol and make a cone and use it to define the borders rather than using M seal. I've done some work like that. I can share pictures for your reference.

    3. Would love ro see ur work Tejal! Plz do share

  2. wow this art form is new to me, it looks so stunning. all your frames are so beautiful, thanks for sharing the tutorial.

  3. drawing with m-seal...hats off to u :)

    1. Believe me Aparna it is really easy,make sure you roll the coils on a clean smooth surface...

  4. wow! stumbled into your blog while searching for something else. Boy, i'm glad I did!

    you mentioned you get these materials in India too. Can you please share the names of the Gedeo resin and the resin dye that I can get in Indian shops?


    1. Hi M, thanks for visiting my blog, glad you like it, i'am not sure of the exact name of the product in India, but they should be available in any big art and craft supply store,you can ask for resin based glass painting colors, hope this helps.

  5. wow! stumbled into your blog while searching for something else. Boy, i'm glad I did!

    you mentioned you get these materials in India too. Can you please share the names of the Gedeo resin and the resin dye that I can get in Indian shops?


  6. My previous question is answered here! Thank you!!

  7. hi Bindu... ur work is really good... for me to try plz help me to find out the colors in India, i mean in AP. i have tried in many art related shops, but no one knows what are stain wood colours. can u help me with any shop names in hyderabad where i get the stuff.

    1. Hi Shobhana, I apologize for the delay in replying, Actually it is quite easy to find the colors in Hyd, ask for resin based stain glass colors. I have learnt this in Hyd from a very nice lady Saritha Singh you may contact her at 9848350762.

      Good Luck!

    2. Hi Shobhana and Bindu , can you please send pictures of resin based glass colors available in India. Please send to schytra@gmail.com Thankyou

    3. Hi Shobhana and Bindu , can you please send me pictures/name of brand for resin based stain glass colors available in India. please send to schytra@gmail.com Thankyou

  8. hi bindu..... i love ur work!!!. Have you painted the wood directly with acrylic colours?
    thank you for sharing it.

  9. Hi Bindu, I just love this art work. I want to try some, I know you posted the links to mixing the resin, but can you please post the measurements you used?

  10. hai bindu i love u r work.i am little bit confused i mixing colours.when u used varnish

    1. I did not use any Varnish, can u be more specific on ur question.

  11. hai bindu u r art was amazing.i want to try this.i have one question when should we add crystal resin and how to mix resin dyes.

    1. once u mix the resin and hardener u can add the dyes and mix well, if u need a deeper color add a few more drops of dye

  12. Hii am from haryana...u hv any idea about online purchase of resin based color...plz help me out

  13. Hi Bindu ,accidentally I saw your blog , this is something i was dying to learn from past many years , no body gave me the correct tutorial....You made my day today , i was dying to make this kind of painting , you have explained everything so clearly ...No words to thank you .....I can only say MAY GOD BLESS YOU,BLESS YOU , BLESS YOU........... Thanks.

  14. The procedure is crystal clear and easy to understand and do. Thank you very much for sharing the procedure

  15. Mam In this painting Shall I use solvent based glass colours instead of resin ?

  16. Hi Bindu maam! I was searching for step by step procedure to make stainwood mural and I came across your blog. You have wonderfully explained everything. Thanks a ton! My only query is'can I use glass colours instead of resin colours?

  17. Thank you so much for sharing the tutorial.

  18. Hello Bindu. Nice tutorial. One query, how long does it take for the resin n hardner to dry. I tried doing this project and added glass colors to the resin and hardener mixture. Just wondering when it will dry completely. It's been 24hrs.
